Concussion- Injuries Athletic Therapists Treat: A Monthly Series

Injuries Athletic Therapists Treat- A Monthly Series

Welcome to our monthly series! 

Our goal is to share with YOU how Athletic Therapy can help you recover from common injuries you or a loved one may be experiencing. Each month will showcase and discuss a new condition athletic therapists see and treat each day



Each year more and more children and adults are becoming involved in sports and recreational activities. Like any activity, there can be associated risks that come with playing sports. Experiencing a concussion is one risk that can occur in both impact and non-impact sports and activities. With more and more attention being placed on head injuries, it’s important to understand what exactly a concussion is, how to know if you have one, and what to do if you do.

A concussion is a brain injury and is defined as a “complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain, induced by biomechanical forces”. But, what does that exactly mean?

The brain is suspended and cushioned within the skull by spinal fluid. When an outside force, such as a body check in hockey, tackle in football, or even a minor bump from a car accident, is applied to either the head, face, neck or body, the forces can transfer to the brain causing it to shake inside the skull. This movement can cause bruising to the brain. (It is important to note that just because you have received a hit to the head or body it does not mean you have sustained a concussion.) Along with receiving an outside force, a person that has been diagnosed with a concussion will have neurological signs and symptoms. These symptoms may be immediate or delayed. It was once thought that a person had to lose consciousness to have a concussion, however through advancements in education we now know that is no longer true.

How do you know if you have suffered a concussion?

While it is always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional, there are free assessment tools such as a SCAT 6 &/or Child SCAT 6 (Sport Concussion Assessment Tool) that can be found online for free, which may assist you with evaluating a concussion. It is always recommended to seek a health professional such as a certified athletic therapist, or physician for proper diagnosis. The SCAT is designed to put the person through a series of specific tests, or “assessments” to diagnose if a concussion has occurred. These tests include evaluating various signs and symptoms that are common with a brain injury, such as dizziness, headaches, neck pain, etc. A person does not have to have every symptom to have a concussion, and it is important to state that these symptoms may not occur immediately, but can be delayed up to 24 hours.  Simple balance and memory tests will also be assessed. 

What do I do if I have been diagnosed with a concussion?

If someone has been diagnosed with a concussion, the initial treatment is for the brain to rest. That includes limiting screen time such as texting, emails and television. Rest may also include staying home from school or work. While there are many advances in medicine being made every day, as of right now medicine does not have the ability to put a band-aide on the brain, so resting the brain is the best way to begin the healing process. 

Along with rest, athletic therapists can utilize treatments such as craniosacral therapy, massage and muscle energy techniques to help alleviate symptoms of concussion and progress the healing process. Soft tissue treatment for the neck is also recommended to relieve muscular tightness as this could be a contributing cause of a persistent headache. A slow and graded exercise program may also be appropriate. Athletic Therapists can help direct you to a physician, provide treatment, and educate you on the entire process; from injury to return to school, work and play.

It is extremely important that a concussion is fully resolved before completely returning to sports. If the brain has not completely healed before it suffers another trauma, albeit even a minor one, a person can experience what is called “second impact syndrome”. Second impact syndrome is a very rare, but extremely dangerous condition in which a second concussion occurs before a first concussion has properly healed, causing rapid and severe brain swelling and often catastrophic results. 

Think you may have a concussion? Looking to get it fully resolved so that you can get back to doing the things you love? Talk to us at Okanagan Athletic Therapy in Kelowna and let’s begin that healing process: