Increase Your Steps

Dec. 30, 2018 by

For those who are looking for different ways to add more steps to their FitBit tracker, or those who are just looking to be a bit more active and mobile and feel healthier, these are for you! If you are

Snow Shoveling Tips

Dec. 27, 2018 by

Tips for Snow Shoveling Tip #1 Warm Up. Be sure your muscles are warm before you start shoveling. Cold, tight muscles are more likely to sprain or strain than warm, relaxed muscles A body full of tight inactive muscles and

6 MYTHS About Low Back Pain that May SURPRISE You

Dec. 21, 2018 by

MYTH #1 Rest is the Best Thing for Pain Management– Studies have shown managing back pain with movement, such as light stretching, exercising or a short walk to keep you limber, is better than resting a bad back. MYTH #2

Fall Prevention Exercises

Dec. 14, 2018 by

REDUCE YOUR RISK OF A FALL WITH JUST 5 EXERCISES Seniors injured from falls is placing a massive cost burden on our health care system. The average medical cost for a senior who falls and breaks a hip and has